Monday, January 19, 2009

Kitchen Strategery

I am a kitchen goddess. I guess I knew it all along but I become discouraged when I try to make Indian food I always get a rather tasty pot of yellow mush. But not tonight, children! I made Italian.
Patatine e Carciofi Arrosto. A gorgeous way of saying roasted 'taters and artichokes. I added cauliflower and while its' presentation is a bit bland, all grays and beiges, it tasted frickin' amazing! Roasted all three veg with thyme, rosemary, s & p and three cloves of unpeeled garlic. Chopped up the roasted garlic when the veg were done and thew it on into the mix. The recipe did not say to do that. I am SUCH a rebel. Mixed into the whole thing a handful of grated lemon zest, a healthy clump of parsley some more chopped garlic and I am a genius. My mouth is still on fire from the garlic and my dogs won't come near me, but I am sated. Anyway, it beats a pot of yellow mush.

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