So here we are 18 days in and while I hate to be a cliche I think my new year's resolution (which to be fair, I formed at Thanksgiving) is holding up. I'm actually going for a daily run. More like a walk/run. Feels great.

Gets me out of the office under fire of envious glares from people who don't exercise. Bah! Heart health, man, heart health.
I'm also packing fabulous lunches for myself. My latest joy is Masala Tandoori Naan from Trader Joes. This soft yummy flatbread is now comfort food.
I said I was running, not cutting carbs.
Hello All!
My new year's resolution is to "stop complaining" but seeing as how I'm a Brit it's in my nature so I'm taking baby steps and should someone call me up on it, I merely state that it's an observation not a complaint - seems to be working so far :)??
Good on ya for the healthy start - let's put away all the choccy's, cheese, sugar and such like and be the healthy beautiful women that we are :)
love the new look--both head and blog. your summary made me laugh, and the description of naan made me hungry.
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