Sunday, February 1, 2009

If it's shiny, I'll take it.

Went to the farmer's market yesterday. I was in an adventurous mood and recklessly purchased vegetables that I thought were adorable without regard for how I was going to cook them. Case in point:

A-DOR-able baby eggplant and tiny campari tomatoes. I just keep looking at them. I have no idea how to make eggplant.

Let's review the list of goodies I came home with, shall we?
  • galangang (Nice Thai lady assured me this was for soup...I believe her.)
  • kafir lime leaves (I bought them because I've never seen them before.)
  • bok choy (Well, who can resist seven pale little bulbs all crammed into a ziploc baggie? I am a victim of value added marketing.)
  • blood oranges (Farmer made me taste one. I got 20 for three bucks. You'd do it too.)
  • a cabbage (Picked the night before!!!)
  • twice garlic (Here is where I got flimflammed. As I tossed some into my bag, I heard my mother's voice in my head, "that's old garlic, look at the gaps between the cloves and how loose the skin is...don't buy them!" Well, I bought them only to find some new, local garlic at the next stall that was so obviously better quality. Twice garlic.)
  • onions (they smelled awesome!)
  • campari tomatoes (oh my god.)
  • baby eggplant (oh. my. god!!! Could you just die????)
  • curly purple lettuce (no reason to buy this at all.)
  • ginger (love it)
  • shallots (loves these)
  • chives (great on a boca burger)
  • basil (I am an organized culinary goddess and plan to chop and freeze this for later.)
and I'm spent.