Kate came to us 3 1/2 years ago from Ruff Riders Rescue in L.A. She had been bred alot by A-holes and dumped at the county shelter, had an impressive case of hip dysplasia (read: I'm not sure how her legs stay on), didn't know how to play, fought for her food and would occasionally fall over in a seizure. We got her spayed, taught her how to play, put her on glucosamine and Primal dog food and while she still eats super fast, she's learned that there will always be enough food. Given her smushy face, the epilepsy and the location of the tumour, surgery prognosis is not good. The tumour could always grow back, the surgery, if they don't get it all, could aggravate the histamines insides the tumour and they could release more of their angry mob into her body. Dammit. So we watch and we wait.
Xrays yesterday showed a mass on her liver which could not be identified. Our next step is an ultra sound to gauge how much time she's got. Right now she's a funny, happy little girl who loves rubbing her face in tall grass, snoring, her gorilla squeaky, her brother Slartibartfast and snurfling around the backyard looking for the cat poo jackpot. Ok.
She gets what she wants until something happens. Then we regroup.
Thinking about you and little Kate. Our pets are such a gift to us and it's so difficult when they are faced with challenges. Know everyday that you saved Kate and changed her life. Always know that I am here if you need ANYTHING!!
You have been the best mommy to Kate that she could ever have. It was her lucky day when she took a hold of your heart and never let go! I am so sorry that your family is going through this.
I remember meeting the little girl at PP. That sweet face!
If you need anything at all, please do not ever hesitate to call. Anytime.
Hello Adrienne,
I just heard the sad news & I'm so sorry that Kate is sick. You are an amazing friend and mama to her and I just know she is surrounded by unconditional love on a daily basis!
I'm sending lots of good, healing vibes your way!
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