Once upon a time, Jello Biafra and Al Jourgensen made Lard and had a song (among many) called
The Power of Lard. I had the EP. Maybe I still do. Maybe it's in my parents' basement. Cover art nothwithstanding it was a fantastic song full of everything I like in music. I shall come back to this later.

So I made pug biscuits today. A little flax, some crushed red lentils, tomatoes, garlic and whammo! Success! Now, as we all know, neither Kate nor Slartibartfast has discerning taste, but I took it as a compliment that they gobbled up the samples and then followed me around for an hour afterwards. While styling the cookies for the photo, Slarti even ventured a dart-and-grab in between shots, proving Jello's adage, "if you love your fun, die for it." Sweet , sweet lard.